20487868 Threadlocker 242 Adhesive .50 Milliliter Tube Waterjet Tools


Waterjet Tools: Threadlocker 242 adhesive

Item number: 20487868

ПодробностьS: Используется на гидроабразивном режущем станке SL-VI мощностью 100 л.с.

Родственный Гидроабразивные инструменты:
80078330Подставка для инструментов для снятия уплотнений
10079986Гаечный ключ для ремня
10081370Гаечный ключ
05053871Комбинированный ключ
10084440Чистая слизь
Часто задаваемые вопросы о платформенном гидроабразивном станке и т. Д.:

Какие гидроабразивные инструменты будут использоваться на станке гидроабразивной резки?

Гидроабразивные инструменты: конусный и резьбонарезной инструмент для труб высокого давления
Гидроабразивные инструменты: гаечный ключ (цилиндр и т.д.)
Гидроабразивные инструменты: инструмент для установки уплотнения (уплотнение высокого давления, уплотнение пневматического клапана и т. Д.)

What is the difference between pure waterjet and abrasive waterjet?

The main difference between a pure waterjet and an abrasive waterjet is the addition of abrasive material to the waterjet stream in an abrasive waterjet system.A pure waterjet, as its name suggests, uses only water to create a high-pressure jet of water that is capable of cutting through a variety of materials, including soft materials like foam and rubber, as well as harder materials like metal and stone. The water in a pure waterjet is pressurized to extreme levels, typically between 30,000 and 90,000 PSI, and then focused through a small nozzle to create a precise cutting stream. In contrast, an abrasive waterjet adds a fine abrasive material, such as garnet, to the waterjet stream to increase its cutting power and allow it to cut through harder materials like granite, ceramics, and hardened steel. The abrasive material is mixed with the water in a chamber before it enters the nozzle, and the resulting mix of water and abrasive is then focused through the nozzle to create a cutting stream that is capable of cutting through much thicker and harder materials than a pure waterjet. Overall, while both pure waterjets and abrasive waterjets are capable of cutting through a wide variety of materials, the addition of abrasive material in an abrasive waterjet system significantly increases its cutting power and allows it to cut through much harder and thicker materials.