SP1107 Guide Bush Assembly 66K Waterjet Replacement Parts



SP1107 Guide Bush Assembly 66K Waterjet Replacement Parts

Знание станка гидроабразивной резки и запасных частей гидроабразивной резки:

So are there any limitations to waterjet cutting metal?
Of course water jet cutting metal, although there are many advantages, as we talked about in the previous article, but there are some minor limitations:

1, there are restrictions on the cutting thickness: water jet cutting machine can cut metal, but it is usually recommended to cut metal within 1-300mm, if the thickness is larger in the cutting efficiency may not be able to achieve the ideal state.
1, the relatively high cost of water jet cutting machine: water jet cutting machine itself is not low, plus the price of machine parts is also relatively high, especially some internationally renowned brands or high-end technology machines, in addition, especially abrasive water cutting once the machine is turned on the need to consume abrasive, about 20-25kg per hour, so the water jet cutting machine is less suitable for cutting lower-cost materials Therefore, water jet cutting machine is not suitable for cutting lower cost materials, then it may not be profitable.
2, water jet cutting machine noise and flooding problems: water jet cutting in the work of relatively large noise, but this has some countermeasures, such as the use of fully enclosed cutting platform to isolate the cutting platform to generate noise, for high-pressure pump noise we can choose to serve the motor pump, direct-drive pump, etc.. In addition cutting products will produce the phenomenon of water immersion, which needs to do some processing.

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