DD-074 Coil Waterjet Consumables



DD-074 Coil Waterjet Consumables

Знание станков гидроабразивной резки и расходных материалов для гидроабразивной резки:

What is the service life of the sprinkler?
Usually it can be used for about 30 years, but this is not absolute, it mainly depends on the usage of the user:
1. Use environment: indoor or outdoor, whether it is clean and tidy, too dry or humid, too hot or cold, these factors will affect the life of the machine.
2. Do you take care when using the machine?
3. Whether to carry out regular maintenance: such as regular inspection of waterways, circuits, oil circuits, etc., for maintenance or replacement.

How much does a sprinkler machine cost?
The price starts from 25,000 US dollars, and the specific price depends on the configuration of the machine, the cutting needs of customers, etc.

How do I choose the right waterjet for my needs?
1. The material to be cut
2. The thickness of the material
3. The size of the material
4. Cutting efficiency requirements
5. Machine layout
6. Budget
7, Personal preference For color, design, we provide customized

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