20417138 HP Cylinder Nut Water jet supplier



Waterjet HP cylinder nut, item number: 20417138
Связанный гидроабразивный инструмент:
20494488Колыбель для V-образных блоков
10079523Вилка 3/8"
10078129Сальниковый фитинг 3/8 дюйма
10148674Инструмент для снятия пломб
80078330Подставка для инструментов для снятия уплотнений
80079239Гаечный ключ с торцевой крышкой
Детали гидроабразивного насоса:
05059712Цилиндр высокого давления
20417081Уплотнительная головка в сборе
20422243Уплотнение HP в сборе
10110393Уплотнительная сборка
80086622Гидравлическое картриджное уплотнение в сборе
05007786Фланец фиксатора втулки
05127584Бесконтактный переключатель
Часто задаваемые вопросы о станке гидроабразивной резки и т. Д.:

What kind of water jet supplier is Win-Win?

Win-Win is a water jet supplier that has been established for more than 12 years and specializes in water cutting related products. Up to now, our customer groups include aerospace, automobile manufacturing, helmet cutting, and the customer groups in these fields are generally They all use our own integrated robot waterjet cutting system, we are a partner of ABB and FanUC; glass cutting industry, home improvement construction industry, stone cutting industry, metal cutting industry, customer groups in these fields generally use our waterjet cutting machine, usually abrasive cutting machine, because the materials of these materials are relatively hard, and the cutting speed is faster by adding abrasives; some are used in the energy field, oil drilling, etc., these customers will use our portable waterjet cutting machine for Large oil tanks are used for cutting, because water cutting does not generate electric sparks, it is an absolutely safe cutting product.
Of course, we also provide matching waterjet accessories for many brands of waterjet machines, so we are a one-stop water jet supplier, you can contact us if you have related procurement needs.

Win-Win is the one-stop water jet supplier for waterjet replacement (waterjet pump parts and head parts) and waterjet tool, we have lots of product in stock, if you are looking for water jet supplier or need any technical support for the waterjet cutting machine, welcome to contact! We can provide free online support.