Waterjet seal assembly, item number: 10110393
Связанный гидроабразивный инструмент:
Артикул | Описание |
20494488 | Колыбель для V-образных блоков |
10079523 | Вилка 3/8" |
10078129 | Сальниковый фитинг 3/8 дюйма |
10148674 | Инструмент для снятия пломб |
05066139 | Гайковерт |
80078330 | Подставка для инструментов для снятия уплотнений |
80079239 | Гаечный ключ с торцевой крышкой |
Детали гидроабразивного насоса:
Артикул | Описание |
05059712 | Цилиндр высокого давления |
20417081 | Уплотнительная головка в сборе |
20422243 | Уплотнение HP в сборе |
10110393 | Уплотнительная сборка |
80086622 | Гидравлическое картриджное уплотнение в сборе |
05007786 | Фланец фиксатора втулки |
05127584 | Бесконтактный переключатель |
Часто задаваемые вопросы о станке гидроабразивной резки и т. Д.:
How to choose the water jet supplier?
Regarding how to find a suitable water jet supplier, I believe people with different purchasing identities will have different understandings:
Generally speaking, as a company purchaser, you may consider the credibility of the waterjet supplier and other issues such as product price and product delivery date;
As technicians or water jet machine maintenance personnel, the questions about water jet suppliers may be, how is the technology of this company, whether the products are of excellent quality, and whether water jet suppliers can provide professional suggestions for later machine maintenance issues.
In short, people with different identities pay attention to different issues, but one thing is the same. Everyone wants to buy products with reasonable price and good quality, and can find water jet suppliers with good reputation and after-sales service. In general, water jet suppliers that can exist for more than 10 years in the industry have certain technical reserves to keep up with the development of the last era, it has its own fixed customer group, such a water jet supplier can be chosen.