Часть водоструйной режущей головки смесительной камеры IDE II



Water jet cutting head spare parts mixing chamber

Description: IDE II mixing chamber suitable for the diamond water jet cutting head assembly

FAQ of the waterjet – What is the reason for the leakage of water jet cutting accumulator?

The reasons for water jet accumulator leakage may be as follows:

Damaged bladders or seals inside the accumulator, allowing gas or fluid to leak. The connection between the accumulator and the high-pressure pipeline is loose or damaged, resulting in fluid leakage. The cylinder wall thickness of the accumulator is too low, causing the casing to crack or deform, resulting in gas or liquid leakage. There may be several solutions for water jet accumulator leakage: Check the bladder or seal inside the accumulator for cracks or deformation, and repair or replace damaged parts. Check whether the connection between the accumulator and the high-pressure pipeline is loose or damaged, and tighten or replace the connection. Use an ultrasonic thickness calibration instrument to measure the wall thickness of the accumulator cylinder, if it is less than the minimum set value, replace it with a new accumulator in time