05148853 TUBE HP 3/8″ BENT SLIV FD water jet fitting



05148853 TUBE HP 3/8″ BENT SLIV FD water jet fitting

Основные части насоса SL-IV 50 л.с.:

ПунктНомер продукта.Наименование продукта Картина
105144647Цилиндр высокого давления
205144688Узел уплотнительной головки
305144696Прокладка уплотнительной головки
405144712Гильза цилиндра
505149703Сборка уплотнения
605130091Гидравлический картридж90000 psi Детали насоса Картридж гидравлического уплотнения 05130091
705119151Керамический плунжер
805116561Тарельчатый тарельник HP
905116751Тарельчатая булавка
1005144670Фиксатор тарельчатого тарельника

Знания для Станок гидроабразивной резки и Запасные части для гидроабразивной резки.

Does an increase in the flow rate of a water jet cutting machine have an effect on the damage to the material being cut?

Yes, increased flow rates on Гидроабразивный фитинг water jet cutting machines may have an effect on damage to the material being cut. While increased flow rates can improve cutting efficiency, excessive flow rates may lead to the following problems:

Excessive Impact: Increasing the flow rate of a Гидроабразивный фитинг water jet increases the impact force, and if the impact force is too high, it may cause the material in the cutting area to flake, break or be damaged. Particularly with certain brittle or thin sheet materials, excessive flow rates may cause cracking or fracturing.

Increased heat-affected zone: When Гидроабразивный фитинг waterjet cutting, the cooling effect of the water flow reduces the heat-affected zone, which is the area where heat causes a change in material properties. However, a flow rate that is too high may not adequately cool the cut area, resulting in an enlarged heat-affected zone where the material perimeter may become more fragile or deteriorate.

Scrap nuisance: Increasing the flow rate enhances the scouring force on the scrap and cutting residue, but if the flow rate is too high, it may result in a buildup of scrap in the cutting area or ineffective removal, thus affecting the quality of the cut.

Therefore, when selecting the flow rate of a Гидроабразивный фитинг water jet cutting machine, factors such as the nature of the material to be cut, its thickness and the required cutting quality need to be considered. An appropriate flow rate can balance the relationship between cutting efficiency and material damage to obtain the best cutting results. In practice, trials and adjustments are usually required to find the right flow rate value that is best suited for a particular application.

Если вас интересует любая гидроабразивная продукция от Win-Win Поставщик гидроабразивной резки, Свяжитесь со мной, пожалуйста.

В видео ниже показан наш новый заказ на два усилительных насоса SL-VI (50 л.с.) 60000 фунтов/кв. дюйм гидроабразивная резка При тестировании, упаковка к отгружению: