104746 Катушка Fanuc Line 5 Роботизированная гидроабразивная резка



Роботизированная гидроабразивная резка: спиральная труба

Item number: 104746

Подробностьs: used on the Fanuc robot arms

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FAQ of platform waterjet machine &Роботизированная гидроабразивная система:

Can waterjet cut plastic?

Yes, water jet cutting can be used to cut plastic materials. In fact, water jet cutting is a popular cutting method for plastics due to its ability to cut with high precision and minimal heat-affected zone, which can help to minimize the risk of warping, melting, or other damage to the plastic material.Water jet cutting can be used to cut a wide range of plastic materials, including thermoplastics, thermosets, and composites. Some common types of plastics that can be cut with a water jet include acrylic, polycarbonate, PVC, nylon, ABS, and more.When cutting plastic with a water jet, it’s important to use a low-pressure setting and a fine abrasive, such as garnet, to avoid generating excessive heat and prevent chipping or cracking of the material. Additionally, the cutting speed and nozzle diameter should be carefully controlled to achieve precise cuts without melting or distorting the plastic.Overall, water jet cutting is a versatile and effective cutting method for plastic materials, offering high precision and minimal heat-affected zone, which can help to reduce the risk of damage and waste and to achieve high-quality finished parts.`

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