90000 фунтов на квадратный дюйм гидроабразивный 72182795 гидравлический силовой агрегат


Introducing the 72182795 Hydraulic Power Package for Гидроабразивный насос 90000 фунтов на квадратный дюйм

Waterjet cutting is a highly effective method for cutting a wide range of materials, containing metal, glass, and ceramics.

To achieve high-quality cuts, waterjet pumps require a reliable source of hydraulic power.

Hydraulic power packages, such as the 72182795, are able to offer the necessary power to operate waterjet pumps effectively.

The Importance of 90000 PSI in Waterjet Cutting

Waterjet cutting is a process that uses a high pressure water jet to cut through materials.

The pressure of the waterjet stream plays a vital role in the effectiveness of waterjet cutting.

A higher pressure allows for faster and more precise cuts, making it possible to cut through thicker materials.

The 90000 psi waterjet is the highest pressure available for waterjet cutting.

90000 фунтов на квадратный дюйм гидроабразивный 72182795 гидравлический силовой агрегат
90000 фунтов на квадратный дюйм гидроабразивный 72182795 гидравлический силовой агрегат


Номер детали ОписаниеКоличествоПункт Номер детали Описание



61125453Винт с шестигранной головкой, 3/4-10 x 2-1/442005103429Шлицевый вал1


95688735Стопорная шайба, .7582105103411Адаптер, водяной насос1


72153521Электродвигатель, 60 л.с.12205103395Муфта вала1


10082022Фланец, двигатель/насос12320481206Водяной насос1


05103239Поршневой насос12495838314Стопорная шайба, .253


10192961Винт с торцевой головкой, M12 x 1,75 x 30 мм22595572897Винт с торцевой головкой, 1/4-20 x 5/83


10069763Плоская шайба, .5022695750394Стопорная шайба, .382


72159791Коллектор в сборе, D0812705041033Винт с торцевой головкой, 3/8-16 x 1-1/42


80086150Адаптер, ORB/JIC, 1,0 x 1,012895897294Винт с шестигранной головкой, 5/8-11 x 1-1/24


05091301Гидравлический насос12995688719Стопорная шайба, .634


10091510Наклейка со стрелой13080087513Плоская шайба, .634


05103247Винт с торцевой головкой, 1/2-13 x 643120469936Предохранительный клапан в сборе, 180 бар1


95688750Стопорная шайба, .5043295897286Винт с шестигранной головкой, 5/8-11 x 34


49882087Уплотнительное кольцо, 1,88 x 2,13 x .1313395688719Стопорная шайба, .634


05085758Адаптер, ORB/JIC, .38 x .2513480087513Плоская шайба, .634


10118057Вилка, ORB, .7513520484771Крепление двигателя4


72158528Муфта, гибкий привод1Ссылка 105112727Уплотнительное кольцо, 104 мм x 3 мм

Ссылка 249891195Уплотнительное кольцо, 2,75 x 3,0 x .13

What is the Highest PSI Waterjet?

Waterjet cutting machines use water pressure to create a high-velocity stream of water that can cut through a wide range of materials.

The 90000 psi waterjet is the highest pressure available for waterjet cutting and offers several advantages over lower pressure waterjets.

What 90000 PSI of Water can Do?

The 90000 psi waterjet is a powerful tool that can cut through a variety of materials with ease.

It can cut through materials of 12 inches thick at high speed. It cuts materials at a rate of 6 inches per minute accurately.

The 90,000 psi waterjet pump takes in 1.4 gallons of water per minute, squeezes that water to a volume that is 14% smaller, and outputs about 1.2 gallons of water per minute. This compression makes the water warm.

The Advantages of Using the 72182795 Hydraulic Power Package in 90000 psi Waterjet Pump

The 72182795 Hydraulic Power Package is specifically designed to enhance the performance of a 90000 psi waterjet pump.

It offers several advantages over other hydraulic power packages in the market.

What is a Hydraulic Power Package?

A hydraulic power pack is an independent assembly including a drive motor, hydraulic pump, and hydraulic fluid tank.

The drive motor is connected to the hydraulic pump through a shaft and drives it. The motor and pump are installed on the tank or inside the tank in oil.

Advantages of a Hydraulic Power Package

Hydraulic systems have a few advantages like power, accuracy, efficiency, and ease of maintenance.

But they also have disadvantages, such as the potential for leaks and the caustic nature of the fluids inside them.

Advantages of the 72182795 Hydraulic Power Package

The 72182795 Hydraulic Power Package offers several advantages over other hydraulic power packages in the market. These include:

1. High Efficiency

The 72182795 Hydraulic Power Package is designed to be highly efficient, which means it can operate at a high level of performance without using excessive amounts of energy.

This makes it an ideal choice for waterjet pump operators who want to reduce their energy consumption.

2. Low Noise Level

The 72182795 Hydraulic Power Package is designed to be as quiet as possible, which means it produces minimal noise during operation.

This makes it an ideal choice for waterjet pump operators who want to reduce noise pollution in their workplace.

3. Digital Control System

The 72182795 Hydraulic Power Package features a digital control system that allows operators to monitor and regulate the performance of the waterjet pump.

This makes it easy to optimize the performance of the waterjet pump and achieve precise cuts.

4. Easy Installation and Maintenance

The 72182795 Hydraulic Power Package is easy to be installed and maintained, reducing the amount of downtime for maintenance and repairs.

This makes it an ideal choice for waterjet pump operators who want to minimize downtime and maximize uptime.

5. High Reliability and Durability

The 72182795 Hydraulic Power Package is highly reliable and durable.

It can satisfy the needs of continuous use in a waterjet cutting machine.

This makes it an ideal choice for waterjet pump operators who want to reduce the frequency of maintenance and repairs.

Compared to other hydraulic power packages available in the market, the 72182795 offers superior performance and reliability, making it an ideal choice for waterjet pump operators.

Its advanced design and technology allow it to deliver the power and precision required for high-quality waterjet cutting.

How Does the 72182795 Hydraulic Power Package Work?

The 72182795 Hydraulic Power Package is designed to provide the necessary hydraulic power to operate a 90000 psi waterjet pump.

It consists of several main parts: a drive motor, hydraulic pump, and hydraulic fluid tank.

The drive motor is connected to the hydraulic pump via a shaft and drives the pump to produce hydraulic pressure.

The hydraulic fluid tank stores the hydraulic fluid that is used to create the pressure.

The hydraulic pump produces pressure by forcing the hydraulic fluid through a sequence of valves and into the waterjet pump.

This pressure is then used to power the waterjet pump, which creates a high-pressure stream of water that is used for cutting.

Why Choose the 72182795 Hydraulic Power Package?

The 72182795 Hydraulic Power Package is an essential component for achieving high-quality cuts with a 90000 psi waterjet pump.

Its excellent performance and reliability make it an ideal choice for 90000 psiwaterjet pumps.

Here are some of the key benefits of choosing the 72182795 Hydraulic Power Package:

1. Enhanced Performance

The 72182795 Hydraulic Power Package is designed to enhance the performance of a 90000 psi waterjet pump.

It provides the necessary hydraulic power to operate the pump at maximum efficiency, which allows for faster and more precise cuts.

2. Easy Installation and Maintenance

The 72182795 Hydraulic Power Package’s digital control system makes it easy to monitor and adjust the performance of the waterjet pump, which helps to optimize cutting performance.

3. Low Noise Level

The 72182795 Hydraulic Power Package is designed to be as quiet as possible, which means it produces minimal noise during operation.

This helps to reduce noise pollution in the workplace, making it a more comfortable and safer environment for operators.

4. High Efficiency

The 72182795 Hydraulic Power Package is designed to be highly efficient, which means it can operate at a high level of performance without using excessive amounts of energy.


The 72182795 Hydraulic Power Package is an essential component for achieving high-quality cuts with a 90000 psi waterjet pump.

With its superior performance, reliability, and durability, the 72182795 Hydraulic Power Package is the perfect choice for operators who want to reduce downtime and maximize uptime.

Its easy installation and maintenance, low noise level, and high efficiency make it a cost-effective solution for waterjet cutting operations.

Choose the 72182795 Hydraulic Power Package for your 90000 psi waterjet pump and experience superior cutting performance and reliability.

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