05145099 Bushing Retainer Flange 2.74×1.14 Waterjet Parts



Waterjet parts: Bushing retainer flange

Item number: 05145099

DetalheS: Usado na máquina de corte a jato de água SL-VI 100HP

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FAQ da plataforma da máquina de jato de água, etc.:
How much water does a waterjet use per minute?

The amount of water used by a waterjet cutting system depends on several factors, such as the size and type of nozzle, the pressure of the water, and the material being cut. Generally, a waterjet cutting system can use anywhere from 0.5 to 5 gallons (1.9 to 18.9 liters) of water per minute, although some systems may use more or less than this range.For example, a small waterjet cutting machine with a 0.010-inch (0.25 mm) nozzle and a pressure of 60,000 psi (4,137 bar) may use around 0.5 gallons (1.9 liters) of water per minute. A larger machine with a 0.040-inch (1.02 mm) nozzle and a pressure of 90,000 psi (6,205 bar) may use around 5 gallons (18.9 liters) of water per minute.It’s important to note that the water used by a waterjet cutting system can be recycled and reused, which can help to reduce water consumption and waste. Additionally, some waterjet cutting systems use closed-loop water systems, which can further reduce water usage and minimize environmental impact.

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