20494488 Outils de jet d’eau pour berceau Vee Block

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Waterjet tools the Vee Block Cradle

Usage: used for fixed support for cylindrical objects of the waterjet intensifier

Apparenté waterjet tools:
Numéro d’articleDescription
20494488Berceau de bloc en V
10079523Fiche 3/8 »
10078129Raccord de presse-étoupe 3/8 »
10148674Outil de retrait de joint
05066139Clé à cylindre
80078330Support d’outil de retrait de joint
80079239Clé d’embout
FAQ of waterjet cutting machine & waterjet tools:

What is the material of the vee block cradle?

V-block cradles used in waterjet cutting are commonly made from a variety of materials, depending on the specific application and requirements of the user. Some common materials used to make V-blocks include steel, aluminum, and plastic.

Aluminum V-blocks are lightweight and easy to handle, making them a popular choice for portable waterjet cutting operations. They are also resistant to corrosion and do not rust, which can be an advantage in wet or humid environments.

Plastic V-blocks are a good choice when working with softer materials, such as plastics or composites, as they are less likely to scratch or damage the workpiece. They are also lightweight and easy to handle, and can be made in a variety of colors for easy identification and organization.

What waterjet tools are generally used in water cutting machines?

There are some different types waterjet tools:
1. For lubrication: there are white goop for seals and also the blue goop for the thread of high pressure piping or cylinders etc.
2. Wrench: cylinder wrench, end cap wrench etc.
3. Seals tools: high pressure seal tool, on off valve installation tool etc.
4. Filter: water filter and also the oil filter.

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