80070311 Tubo doblado HP .38 Tubo de chorro de agua



Waterjet Tubing: Bent tube

Item number: 80070311

Details: normally the waterjet tubing on the intensifier is .38″, there are straight tubing and also bent tubing

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FAQ of waterjet cutting machine & water jet part:

Is waterjet cutting just water?

There are two types of waterjet cutting, one is the pure water cutting, just do cutting with the filtered water; the other one is to cut with both water and the abrasives. To cut with abrasives normally to cut the hard material, such as the steel, metal, alloy etc.

What cannot be cut by waterjet?

Some things that cannot be wetted, such as paper, some wood, etc. Water cutting is also very common in the field of glass cutting, but there is a kind of glass that cannot be cut by water cutting machines, that is tempered glass. If you want to cut glass products, you must do it before tempering, otherwise it will shatter.

What is the waterjet tubing?

Waterjet tubing is a kind of pipe used to transport high-pressure water on the waterjet cutting machine. It must withstand a pressure of 60,000 psi, which determines that the material of the waterjet tubing must be wear-resistant and compressive. Our waterjet tubing is all imported materials, and the warranty period is generally more than 3 months. Our current waterjet tubing basically has three types, 1/4″, 3/8″/ 9/16″.

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