Waterjet Spares 500-20-0100 Outer Body



Waterjet Spares 500-20-0100 Outer Body

Conocimiento de Máquina de corte por chorro de agua y Repuestos para chorro de agua:

The size of the waterjet spares orifice aperture of the water jet cutting machine has a great influence on the cutting, and the effect of using different aperture orifices on the water jet cutting under the same pressure:

Cutting Speed: The smaller the waterjet spares orifice aperture, the higher the speed and pressure of the water stream and the faster the cutting speed. Therefore, smaller apertures can be used for applications that require fast cutting.

Cutting Accuracy: The smaller the aperture of the orifice, the higher the focus of the water stream and the higher the cutting accuracy. Therefore, small aperture stones can be used in applications that require high precision cutting.

Cutting Thickness: The smaller the aperture of the waterjet spares orifice, the more focused the water stream is and the thinner the material can be cut. Therefore, gemstones with small apertures can be used in applications that require thin materials to be cut.

Durability: The smaller the waterjet spares orifice aperture, the better the durability of the waterjet spares orifice, as smaller apertures are relatively more robust.

Therefore, orifices with small apertures can be used in applications that require continuous cutting over a long period of time. It should be noted that the choice of waterjet spares orifice aperture size needs to be based on the actual application requirements. If you need to cut thick materials at high speed, you can choose a larger aperture; if you need to cut thin materials with high precision, you can choose a smaller aperture. At the same time, you also need to pay attention to the price and durability of different aperture size orifices, and choose the one that suits your needs and budget.

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