05090717 TUERCA. ACUMULADOR VIVIENDA. Intensificador de chorro de agua SLIV



05090717 TUERCA. ACUMULADOR VIVIENDA. Intensificador de chorro de agua SLIV

Piezas principales para la bomba SL-IV 50HP:

ArtículoProducto NO.Nombre del producto Imagen
105144647Cilindro HP
205144688Conjunto de cabezal de sellado
305144696Espaciador de cabezal de sellado
405144712Camisa del cilindro
505149703Conjunto de sellos
605130091Cartucho hidráulico90000 psi Piezas de la bomba Cartucho de sello hidráulico 05130091
705119151Émbolo cerámico
805116561Poppet HP
905116751Pin de poppet
1005144670Retenedor de poppet

Conocimiento para Máquina de corte por chorro de aguaPiezas de repuesto de chorro de agua y Piezas del intensificador de chorro de agua.

Can water jet cutting machines be used to cut food? Piezas del intensificador de chorro de agua

Water jet cutting machines can often be used to cut food. Water jet cutting technology is a method of cutting materials by utilizing a stream of water sprayed at high speeds, which can be cut without generating heat. This technique is widely used in industry to cut materials such as metal, stone, and rubber. Piezas del intensificador de chorro de agua

Water jet cutting is also used in the food processing industry to cut food. Since water jet cutting does not generate heat, it prevents food from being spoiled or destroyed due to high temperatures. It can be used to cut a variety of ingredients such as vegetables, fruits, bread, meat, etc. Water jet cutting also allows for high-precision, contamination-free cutting, making it popular for certain food processes that require precise cutting. Piezas del intensificador de chorro de agua

It is important to note that when using a water jet cutting machine for food processing, you should ensure that the machine is clean and hygienic. For different ingredients, the pressure and speed of the water jet may need to be adjusted to obtain optimal cutting results. In addition, the use of water jet cutting machines needs to comply with relevant food safety standards and operating procedures. Piezas del intensificador de chorro de agua

Si está interesado en cualquier producto de chorro de agua de Win-Win Proveedor de chorro de agua, Contáctame por favor.

The below video shows our new waterjet robot cutting workstation: