05144837 Soporte atenuador espaciador Parte del chorro de agua


Water Jet Part: Spacer Attenuator Bracket

Item number: 05144837

Details: Located below the intensifier, parts for attenuator bracket

Otras partes del chorro de agua:
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10110393Montaje del sello
80086622Conjunto de sello de cartucho hidráulico
05007786Brida de retención de buje
05127584Interruptor de proximidad
FAQ of waterjet cutting machine & water jet part:

Can a water jet cut carbide?

Yes, water jet cutting can be used to cut carbide. Carbide is a very hard and durable material, and it can be difficult to cut using traditional cutting methods. However, water jet cutting uses a high-pressure stream of water mixed with abrasive particles to cut through a wide range of materials, including carbide.

Water jet cutting is a versatile and precise cutting method that can produce clean and accurate cuts in carbide without the risk of heat damage that can occur with other cutting methods, such as laser or plasma cutting. Additionally, water jet cutting is a cold cutting process, meaning that no heat is generated during the cutting process, which can help to preserve the properties of the carbide material being cut.

However, it’s important to note that the thickness of the carbide being cut and the type of carbide can affect the cutting speed and accuracy of the water jet cutting process. Therefore, it’s always recommended to consult with a professional water jet cutting service provider to determine the best cutting method for your specific carbide cutting needs.

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