10077030 ACOPLAMIENTO, 90 ° MACHO, 0.25 "x0.13" 60000 psi chorro de agua



10077030 ACOPLAMIENTO, 90 ° MACHO, 0.25 "x0.13" 60000 psi chorro de agua

Piezas principales para la bomba SL-IV 50HP:

ArtículoProducto NO.Nombre del producto Imagen
105144647Cilindro HP
205144688Conjunto de cabezal de sellado
305144696Espaciador de cabezal de sellado
405144712Camisa del cilindro
505149703Conjunto de sellos
605130091Cartucho hidráulico90000 psi Piezas de la bomba Cartucho de sello hidráulico 05130091
705119151Émbolo cerámico
805116561Poppet HP
905116751Pin de poppet
1005144670Retenedor de poppet

Conocimiento para Máquina de corte por chorro de agua y Piezas de repuesto de chorro de agua.

Is there a requirement for the diameter of the high pressure hose connecting the accumulator to the water jet cutting machine Chorro de agua de 60000 psi?

The diameter of the Chorro de agua de 60000 psi high-pressure pipe connecting the accumulator to the water jet cutting machine depends on a number of factors, including system design, operating pressure and flow requirements. Below are some common considerations and general guidelines:

Working Pressure: The working pressure requirements of the water jet cutting system need to be determined first. The higher the working pressure, the larger the diameter of the high pressure hose will typically be to meet the required flow and pressure requirements.

Flow Requirements: The flow requirements of the water jet cutting system Chorro de agua de 60000 psi are also an important factor in determining the diameter of the high pressure hose. Larger diameters provide larger flow paths, allowing more flow to pass through the high pressure hose.

Pipe Length: The length of the pipe will also have an impact on the selection of the high pressure pipe diameter. Longer pipes cause greater pressure loss, so a larger diameter high pressure hose may be needed to compensate for this pressure loss and to ensure that sufficient flow reaches the cutting head.

Material Strength: Chorro de agua de 60000 psi High pressure tubing needs to be able to withstand the working pressures in the system, so its material selection and strength is also a consideration. Common high pressure hose materials include stainless steel, copper alloys and specialized polymers.

It is important to note that specific high pressure hose diameter selection needs to be evaluated based on the actual system design and requirements. It is recommended to refer to the water jet cutting machine manufacturer’s guidelines or consult a specialized water jet cutting system supplier for accurate Chorro de agua de 60000 psi high-pressure tube diameter recommendations. Also, ensure compliance with relevant safety standards and regulations, and follow proper installation and operating instructions.

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El siguiente video muestra nuestro nuevo pedido de dos bombas intensificadoras SL-VI (50HP) Chorro de agua de 60000 psi En las pruebas, el embalaje se envía: