49890825 SILENCIADOR. VÁLVULA SOLENOID.5.48.5 W 60000 psi chorro de agua



49890825 SILENCIADOR. VÁLVULA SOLENOID.5.48.5 W 60000 psi chorro de agua

Piezas principales para la bomba SL-IV 50HP:

ArtículoProducto NO.Nombre del producto Imagen
105144647Cilindro HP
205144688Conjunto de cabezal de sellado
305144696Espaciador de cabezal de sellado
405144712Camisa del cilindro
505149703Conjunto de sellos
605130091Cartucho hidráulico90000 psi Piezas de la bomba Cartucho de sello hidráulico 05130091
705119151Émbolo cerámico
805116561Poppet HP
905116751Pin de poppet
1005144670Retenedor de poppet

Conocimiento para Máquina de corte por chorro de agua y Piezas de repuesto de chorro de agua.

Distance between water jet cutting head and pump of Chorro de agua de 60000 psi

The distance between the Chorro de agua de 60000 psi water jet cutting head and the pump usually depends on the specific water jet cutting system and application requirements. In general, the distance between the water jet cutting head and the pump can be maintained in the range of a few meters to tens of meters. Here are some considerations and common distance configurations:

Water Pressure Loss: Water undergoes pressure loss during delivery, so in water jet cutting systems it is often necessary to place the cutting head Chorro de agua de 60000 psi as close to the pump as possible to minimize pressure loss. A shorter distance can help keep the cutting head under higher water pressure to ensure cutting effectiveness and speed stability.

Pump and cutting head connection: The Chorro de agua de 60000 psi pump in a water jet cutting system usually delivers a high pressure stream of water to the cutting head, so a connecting pipe is needed to connect the pump to the cutting head. The distance needs to be set taking into account the length and diameter of the connecting pipe to ensure adequate water flow supply and pressure stability.

Range of motion of the water jet cutting head: Depending on the specific cutting requirements, the water jet cutting head Chorro de agua de 60000 psi may need to be moved and positioned on the workpiece. Therefore, when installing the cutting head, sufficient distance needs to be set aside to ensure that the cutting head can cover the required cutting area.

It should be noted that the distance setting needs to be evaluated and adjusted according to the specific water jet cutting system Chorro de agua de 60000 psi and application requirements. It is recommended to refer to the guidance provided by the manufacturer of the water jet cutting machine or consult a specialized water jet cutting system Chorro de agua de 60000 psi supplier for accurate distance configuration recommendations.

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El siguiente video muestra nuestro nuevo pedido de dos bombas intensificadoras SL-VI (50HP) Chorro de agua de 60000 psi En las pruebas, el embalaje se envía: